What Makes a Great Orthodontic Patient?
We, at Bruner Orthodontics are focused on achieving excellence in the following areas: building relationships, communication, and clinical results. To achieve clinical excellence, a great relationship between the orthodontist and the patient is of paramount importance!
Each and every day we work hard to educate and motivate each patient to do what they need to do to get the best results in shortest amount of time. When patients finish their orthodontic treatment early, you can be sure that they were great patients!
But what makes a great orthodontic patient?
A great patient:
1. Keeps their teeth clean with regimented brushing and flossing
2. Is careful with what they eat to make sure they don’t break their appliances.
3. Wears their light and gentle elastics 24 hours a day to move teeth to their ideal position.
Take a look at the patient below, her upper jaw is significantly ahead of her lower jaw. She came to Bruner Orthodontics to achieve an ideal smile and perfect bite. Her treatment was estimated to take between 18 and 24 months. She was a “Great Patient” and completed her treatment in 16 months with Damon Braces! She achieved ideal results in a relatively short amount of time!
If you meet a patient with great results and shorter treatment time, you can congratulate them for their part in the achieving those results. If you meet a patient whose results aren’t what you would like to see and their treatment time is long, it may be because they were not doing there part.
As always, if you know of anyone considering orthodontic treatment with either braces or invisalign, please have them call Bruner Orthodontics in Redmond today to schedule their complimentary new patient exam!